DIY textile bible website Kobakant - How to get what you want
- HTML DOG a nice website with regrouped examples, techniques and references for web page making.
Everything HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the most common languages used in making web pages.
- Listen Notes, a search engine for podcasts online.
beamsplitter for visualizing blood vessels in micam fiber experiments
World Wide Neuro for info about neuroscience opportunities.
Randomly organized links (incredible ressource website for talks and scholar wok about microscopy and optics)
Use primary password with firefox sync vault - or use Keepass with firefox -
Rescam Scammers ! (cathartic but not so much ecologic...)
Physiks intrumente Rotation stages (PI)
Pandoc Markdown file converter
Enrichissement enrichmnent DIY maison souris rat
Solidworks educationnal licensing
Edge contrast enhancement / Unsharp_masking
Serve html files directly from github : with
Logiciels utiles :
- WinDirStats
- AgentRansack
- FreeFileSync
- slides in the style that anthony was using (alternative to powerpoint, works on any browser and is lightweight) It is not free (above 5 presentations, so that a bit of a sad thing)
Example here - Deck.js is similar, but open source. The issue is that it doesn't have a WYSIWYG editor.
Sites marchands :
- Modélisme
- Japaneese very small headless screws : DelScrews
- Machines moyen oeuvre mécanique Siderméca
- Site de vente petit outillage/réparation ferme et agriculture Farmitoo
Keeping Notes :
Markdown :
Invented by John Gruber. [source]
URL to markdown converter :
Markdown parser in python can be easily modified with extensions
How to insert locally hosted pdf file links in markdown docs:
Embed a pdf file directly inside a markdown rendered page :
Typora shortcuts :
Shortcut cheatsheet and markup emojis cheatsheet in section : Symbols.
Example: written :poop:
Mkdocs installation :
resolve search problem with material theme :
-change Ordinateur\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.js ContentType
from text/plain to text/javascript
-add prebuild_index: true
in mkdocs.yml under - search :
Mkdocs Material extensions :
Mkdocs admonitions notes inline blocks collapsible - explanation. Possibility to add lazy loading in mkdocs. For that purpose, Caniuse is a website to check features availability in different browser versions.
How to create a custom home page for mkdocs material :
Mermaid schematics availables :
Sequence diagrams
Gantt diagrams
Class diagrams
User journey diagram
Git graphs (experimental)
Entity relationship diagrams (experimental)
PlantUML and PlantUML-Markdown : is another extension for diagrams usefull for sequences, class, usecases diagrams , Component Diagrams etc.
PlantText : online PlantUML editor
Example of PlantUML integration in typora via Gravizo :
Adding password to Mkdocs pages (or global project) : Encryptcontent plugin