Software to check folder size and file usage on windows tree and on hard drives in a visual manner - logiciel taille dossiers fichiers sur disque : Windirstat
Transfer files automatic software with fine control : FreeFileSync
- Winmerge : merge and visualise two text files (or other file types) diffs - Equivalent for mac : filemerge or kaleidoscope
Useful calculation and search engine : Wolfram Alpha
Change User credentials for shared folders
Simple file verification (SFV) is a file format for storing CRC32 checksums of files to verify the integrity of files
Storage :
Oracle storage nodes : config , fully pre-configured racks
feather ( fast but maybe not stable over time - versions - saying it is stable for featehr v2...)
parquet ( a bit less fast but more stable )
pickle ( correct speed and reliable ) very stable and ultra high compatibility in python
hdf ( not fast, very stable , and not lightweighted... )
csv is shit but at least is readable by humans
Safely wipe a hard drive (to sell on ebay or to scrap recyclers)
Network and Internet:
Add google analytics to a github page
Oamos, a strange search engine ref
Computer science hardware :
Small Computer System Interface
Processeur a jeu d'instructions réduit
CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture
developed in the mid-1960s, with a consensus definition of a minicomputer as a machine with an input-output device such as a teleprinter and at least four thousand words of memory, that is capable of running programs in a higher level language, such as Fortran or BASIC. It is now an obsolete form factor, last sales in the 90s
A mainframe computer is large but not as large as supercomputer and has more processing power than some other classes of computers, such as minicomputers, servers, workstations, and personal computers. Most large-scale computer-system architectures were established in the 1960s, but they continue to evolve. Mainframe computers are often used as servers. It is still a denomination in use.
NeuralArt, GANs, image generators :
- Specs : image modifications (add/remove objects), style variations,
- Imagen
- Specs : seems particularly good for realistim images
- Specs : awsome for art generation, less so for realistic images, from experience
- Advanced /imagine comands
Alembic's Disco Diffusion
- Spec : Free, Runs easily with google collab
- Tutorial (no diving into code, just features) on disco diff