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Computer Vision

Super high speed camera acquisition with raspberry pi : 660 FPS article The tutorial for 660 FPS (simple)

1000 FPS article The tutorial (complex)

Cheap and precise dimension reading with linear array

Detection of actions using neuronal networks

Photogrametry : level over 9000 - modelling a whole hotel in 3D just with photos and a motion sensor...

Start photogramety with a smartphone camera

OPENCV Ai kit:

Open/convert tensorflow network with opencv


Docs downloadable here - and API

OAK-1 (or MegaAI) : here

OAK-D (or BW1098OBC) : here

Available trained and optimised models for Aikit :

Explanation of One stage (single stage) vs Two stage detectors in DNN machine vision - An explanation of single stage specifically.

Factory calibration


Can deeplabcut be used to train easily a network and export (how is it saved ? tensorflow style ?) it to be loaded onto OAK-1 ?

If so, the goal would be to track mouse and it's orientation (nose, ears, back, tail in the best conditions) live, onto the camera, and process this information to for example move the hanging point of the rotary joint (less constraint on the animals : better results to behavioral tasks)

Image registration


Summing multiple exposures of the same scene improve signal to noise ratio

​Image obtained with the great software Twibright registrator